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FLDBCC's SIP building system uses expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam insulation sandwiched between two skins of structural steel, resulting in a building assembly that is strong, energy-efficient, and cost-effective. Structall's Snap-N-Lock™ Insulated Panel combines the energy efficiency of foam core building panels with a unique joint design that adds strength to the wall and roof units and simply snaps together. The internal snap-lock fastening system provides a sealant reservoir that covers and protects the sealant from harsh elements. Deterioration of the sealant is reduced over time, which ensures that a waterproof bond is maintained.

The panels, when snapped together, form a continuous foam interface for maximum energy savings. Gaps are virtually eliminated in the wall and roof. There is less settling or compressing, less moisture absorption or dust saturation, and considerably fewer cavities that permit convection or air circulation than in conventional framing methods. All these factors dramatically improve the energy-efficiency of the home. In case studies heating and cooling costs have been cut as much as 58% compared to a stick-built structure with the same insulation value and square footage.

SIP system we use:


Beach Home

Farmhouse Home

Modern Estate



In Steel SIPs, the core of expanded polystyrene foam is rigid and provides shear strength, while the exterior skins provide both tensile and compressive strength. Because a continuous wall and roof are formed by the Snap-N-Lock™ Insulated Panel, it can use all its capacity to support vertical loads, has greater racking resistance, and can resist local loads, buckling, and bending. These are important characteristics for resisting earthquake and hurricane forces.

SIP Panel Home Gallery